Monday, September 03, 2007

independent >> skate stuff

I was in the city today and with a very small amount of time decided to quickly check a shop that very occasionally has clothes that I really like.
I was looking for work/smart trousers which I was pleased and lucky to find, but more than that I found a t-shirt. not much I know but it was an 'independent' t-shirt from the santa cruz, based company. I had to buy it as it brought back many happy days skateboarding I even spoke to gabes (my son) on the phone and told him about it. he skates all day every day if he can and he was excited about it too!

maybe it is a bit sad to like stuff like this but the way company's like independent, vans & bones have marketed their product to a world wide often difficult audience over the last 20-25 years plus I think has been fantastic. after all they are selling what is for many people just a toy, and merchandise around it!!

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