Sunday, February 14, 2010

long time no post

yes it has been a while since I posted anything.

I have to say it has been a mixture of choice and circumstance. I have been a bit busy with stuff including the implementation and ongoing planning of a 'new' creative & media course which even now after being involved in it for over 18 months continues to surprise me both for the sheer amount work I am having to do and the many good things that are coming from it.

I really did consider closing this blog down as I am so finely stretched with the many different digital projects I now work on.
so just left things over the christmas and new year period to see if I missed posting and missed the interaction in what now is a rather dated way of doing things.

I didn't really miss it at all until the end of last week when I was at the height of tiredness preparing for an examination of sorts (an inspection of the creative and media course). I realised that I used this facility to record some of the things that were interesting me and some that weren't so it the only thing this little blog does is provide me with an online notebook that others can see and comment on then it is enough.

Indulgent as that sounds. communication drives the work that I enjoy and continuing be involved is as many platforms old and new can only help in my understanding of it.


Beach Bum said...

I know that feeling - but glad to see you're sticking with it - and around.

kyle said...

wow...that's the only my expression to u