Monday, April 23, 2007

grass seed >> frog >> Go2

just a quick post tonight, as it was wet and raining this evening I thought it would be a good time to get some grass seed on the parts of the front garden that are worn. while I was spreading (in the rain) the seed with an open hand the frog literally jumped into it. I only had a short time to take a picture before I let it go in the next door garden.

please accept this has nothing to do with all things french that I have been talking about in previous posts, just a coincidence.

I for the first time saw the my surfing column in the new cornish based 'Go2' lifestyle magazine. it was strange to see it as although it had been very slightly edited. it was only the last section that had been left out just because it was a self contained story and I was over my 2000 words any way. nice to see work in real print.

Go2. A new FREE magazine that enables you to GO2 do what you want in Cornwall and Plymouth.
Coverage of the best in art and entertainment.

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